Saturday, May 21, 2011

Plastic Bottle Flower

I stopped by a store called ZINNIA in South Pasadena on Mission on my way home from work. They have tons of amazing "thingies" to use for assemblage type art, and offer wonderful classes. Michael DeMeng is one artist who has offered a class there! His assemblage--wow!

Hanging from their ceiling were flowers made from plastic bottles that looked as if they had been spray painted. I found a blue bottle at home, and found, after I cut it, that it had 2 layers! So that made for a double layer of petals. If I had known, I could have cut them so that they alternated. Tom is still drinking that bottled water, so I have another try.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Paperback Book Sculpture

Remember making Christmas trees out of telephone books in girlscouts? Fold the pages, spraypaint it green and stick a star on top.

This is a variation, though I've seen more elaborate foldings than this. I had to get to taking care of the house and the rest of my life, but I found time to fold pages while waiting at orthodontic appointments and piano/voice lessons.

There is nothing like the feel of paper.

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Artist at 5 Years Old...

... on the back of a Christmas card.

( I don't know who "KeNney" is)

Curtains on a Budget #2

I couldn't help myself... I added another layer, because it seemed too thin; you could see through to the wall. And I liked the scraggly look. Maybe I should tie knots on the ends...